It is difficult for me to write this and ask for a healthy kidney from another person. That said, IU Health who is guiding me through the potential transplant process has strongly advised me to do this.
My kidney function began declining at a greater rate a couple of years ago around the time that I got sick on a mission trip to Honduras. Since then the disease has continued to progress. I am now interacting with IU Health regularly who does the transplants in Indianapolis and on the kidney wait list.
Since I have “O” type blood, it could take 5 or so years for me to get a kidney through the wait list. I am not on dialysis yet and they tell me that the chances are greatly enhanced of surviving and having a quality life if I can have a transplant before dialysis is necessary.
If a person is potentially interested in donating a kidney particularly with ‘O‘ blood type (although through the ’swap’ program, any blood type will help) he or she can learn much more about the process without any obligation by…
- Visiting https://iuhealth.org/find-medical-services/transplant
- Calling 1-800-382-4602 (IU Health)
- Or simply contacting me at [email protected]
Thanks for caring! And please feel free to share this email if you feel led to do so.
With a grateful heart,