In earlier blogs, we talked about developing a clear vision of who we would like to become. That was followed up by a blog about what difference our choices can make in determining our future. For years I never gave much thought to that until I had my heart attack in 1999. Since then, life continues to cause me to realize how much difference our choices can and do make if we become committed to growth and change to become better, healthier, and more joyful.
If your life is feeling a bit dull and out of sync, what would it be worth to you to get on a path to discovering your real purpose with hope for experiencing true joy in this world that we live in? With the knowledge that your attitude not only determines your wellbeing but also those that are in your circles of influence, what would it be worth? Would it be worth $1,000, $5,000, $20,000 or even more?
Are you thinking, “I’m not worth investing any time, energy, and money into changing the course of my life.”? That certainly is your choice to make and nobody but you can make it.
On the other hand, maybe you’re thinking, “I am worth it! I do want to be all that God created me to be and I am willing to invest both time and money into growing and being willing to change for the better. I not only want this for myself but also for those that I influence including my family and friends.”
It is with these thoughts in mind that I have felt the called to mentor individuals as well as small groups over the years. I continue to observe that the only people who grow and change through mentoring are those that are genuinely committed and are willing to invest both their time and money into their growth.
So if you are serious about desiring a better life filled with purpose and meaningful relationships resulting in joy, I am offering a couple of options to consider. Or maybe you are doing well but you have a friend that you really care about that is struggling, you may want to pass this on to them. To learn more, simply click on the link below.
Blessings and may your life be filled with purpose and joy!