I'm not sure if you would initially think of Reba when you're looking for wisdom, but doesn't she have it right?
Have you ever noticed that sometimes half-truths are shared to slant a point of view? And then it's easy for people who support that perspective to take it and run with it. And before long, it gains strength and now 'the majority' believes it and acts on it as if is the truth. The sad thing is that it happens in politics, in churches, and sports fandom. How honorable is that? BEWARE THE HALF-TRUTH. The whole truth will set you free. Before you speak... T Is it True? H Is it Helpful? I Is it Inspiring? N Is it Necessary? K Is it Kind? Rather than quickly and casually glancing over this questions above thinking, “Sure, they makes sense”...
STOP AND REALLY THINK ABOUT EACH QUESTION. Think about what happens when you don’t do each of these. What would happen to your relationships? -If it’s not true? -If it’s not helpful? -If it drags the other person down? -If it does more harm than good? -If it’s rude and abrasive? -And ultimately, how will it impact your relationship? Is your tongue helping you find peace and joy? Or is it adding to your stress? It’s your choice. “Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.” The Bible It is well known that 'trust' is the foundation to meaningful and great relationships. With that in mind, doesn't it make sense that building trust starts with each of us being 'trustworthy'? If you agree, take a minute to study the graphic above and honestly evaluate how 'trustworthy' others may see you. The bottomline is that building trust starts with ourselves and not the other person or people. The key is to take responsibility.
May 2018