If that is where you find yourself, are you interested finding discovering new ways of thinking that may help you move forward? If so, while there are many things that a person can do to grow, here is one that really seems to reduce stress while building friendships and trust.
Since we were given 2 ears and 1 mouth, is it possible that we were created this way so that we could use them in that proportion? Here’s the principle that Steven Covey suggested in 7 Habits of Highly Effective People . . . “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”
When a person comes at you by starting out telling you what you have done wrong or how you hurt them, how does it make you feel? After all, they don’t even know what your perspective is and aren’t walking in your shoes. Rather, is there a chance that the conversation could simply be about fully understanding each other before any judgments are made? It only takes one to be the ‘adult’ by leading the way to seek first to understand, then if appropriate, to be understood. Perhaps there would be much less stress in relationships if we would be willing to take that approach, wouldn’t there?