But what does it mean to wear a mask in everyday life? Don’t we wear masks when we want to hide what’s really going on inside us? Perhaps there are secret sins that we don’t want others to know about. Maybe we feel that we’ll be perceived as weak if others would know how we really feel. What would they think if they knew that we don’t have it “together”? What other masks might we be wearing maybe even unknowingly?
Isn’t the underlying theme “PRIDE”?
When you think about it, isn’t it likely that wearing a mask would add stress to your life? Wouldn’t you likely experience much more peace if you could just be honest with yourself and others without feeling shame?
If you want to experience more joy in your life, maybe it would be a good idea to find a person that you trust inherently and begin a relationship of being genuinely honest and open.
If you do, it’s highly likely that you’ll begin discovering your purpose in life filled with joy. It’s your choice.