We are who we are today basically because of 3 factors:
1 Our Genetics- When we were born, we inherited some traits from our ancestors such as size, basic temperament, color, etc.
2 Our Early Environment- We then gain some of our perspective about life based on the environment that we have been raised in. This influences how we see conflict, peace, our language, how to deal with adversity, etc.
3 Our Choices- As we grow older and begin to mature, we have the ability to make choices as to how to approach the circumstances that we find ourselves in. At the end of the day, Our Choices are the major contributing factors in determining who we are and who we will become, won’t they?
Every day we make hundreds if not thousands of little choices. Things like whether to…
• Be nice to somebody (or not)?
• Be helpful to others or selfish?
• Follow-through on commitments or not?
• Get more education or not?
• Borrow money beyond our budget on wants?
• Spend extra hours at work or with our family?
• Play golf with the guys or go to our child’s concert or game?
• Hang around with a good crowd or bad crowd?
• Watch TV or develop our spiritual life?
• Engage in things we are passionate about (or not)?
The choices are endless over the course of days, months, and years aren’t they? If we don’t have a clear picture of what we want our life to look like down the road, what will guide our decision-making?
On the other hand, if we can lock in on a clear picture of ‘WHO’ we want to be years down the road, then doesn’t it make sense that our choices will be much more clear and easier to make?
Good Choices are choices that will take us closer to where we desire to head. These are wise choices.
Bad Choices are choices that will take us farther away from where we want to head. These are foolish choices.
And even if we hit a hard patch that may take us off course as a result of bad choices or circumstances beyond our control, since we still have a clear picture of where we want to end up, won’t it be much easier to re-engage in making wise choices again?
If we believe our choices will determine our future and are dedicated to making wise choices in the days ahead, we are well on the way toward finding purpose and joy. And remember, today is the first day of the rest of our lives. It’s our choice on what our next step will be, isn’t it?