- What other people think and say about us
- The weather and natural disasters
- Wars and tragic events in our country and the world
- The list goes on and on
So what is the best way to approach such situations? On one hand, we could stress out and worry excessively. But seriously, think about it. Since we can’t control those things, what good does it do to spend time and negative energy obsessing? On the other hand, we could stop and think “Is there anything that I can do to positively influence the situation?” If so, by all means shouldn’t we do those things to the best of our ability? At least you can have some peace knowing that you’ve done all you can do.
Here are a few simple examples…
- If a hail storm is definitely heading your way, put your vehicles under shelter
- If another person criticizes you, listen to see if there is any truth, and if so, then work on that. But also, realize that their criticism is simply their opinion. And realize that cruel criticism says a whole lot more about the attacker than it does you. Don’t give anyone the permission to cruelly rob your joy.
- If terrible events happening in the world depress you, maybe it would be a good idea to stop watching CNN or Fox News. Then simply focus on how your conversations will affect people that you may influence. Would it be better to focus on the negative that you have no control over? Or to spend time focusing on things to be thankful for and positive things that you can do?
When you get past that stage, wouldn’t it be best to have faith in God that He has a plan that is infinitely greater than ours even to the point the He can use what we think is terrible but in the end it really turns out to be good. Even if it doesn’t turn out good in our eyes, how would it affect us if we obey the teaching “Be anxious for nothing but thankful for everything, through faith, we’ll be given peace in our hearts and minds”?
In the end, isn’t our peace and joy really a function of our attitude as to how we choose to handle adversity.
AND OUR ATTITUDE IS THE ONE THING THAT WE CAN CONTROL AS WE MATURE isn’t it? And it’s our choice. Why not choose peace and joy instead of stress?