I had to learn that the hard way. When Susan and I first got married, I liked to run 10K’s, go to lots of sporting events, etc. So naturally, I thought that since doing these things was the way I would want to be treated, that’s the way I should treat Susan by including her in these fun activities. As our marriage progressed, I soon learned that Susan wasn’t enjoying these things the way I did and it began to cause us to grow apart. This provided me the opportunity to learn one of the many hard lessons I needed to grow from.
Around that time I learned about a rule called The Platinum Rule that was authored by Dr. Tony Alessandra. Tony just changed one word in The Golden Rule. It is “Treat others as they would want to be treated”. Isn’t it amazing that just changing the word ‘you’ to ‘they’ makes such a profound difference from being very selfish to very selfless. It’s a game changer from being polarizing to being very magnetic, isn’t it?
Take a minute right now to think. How would your mate, friend, or co-worker want to be treated? Who can you begin applying The Platinum Rule to right now?