As men and women, it seems like in the earlier stages of our adult lives we spend a lot of time trying to define and find success. Aren’t some of the measuring sticks things like…
· Our job and how much we make?
· What kind of cars and house do we have?
· How well our kids are doing in sports, etc?
· What kind of toys can we afford?
· And the list goes on.
· And before long it’s time for the kids to go to college.
· Where’s the money going to come from?
· What’s happening to my family?
Isn’t life and ‘success’ in our society typically about comparing ourselves to our buddies or other families? What do they think of us? Am I keeping up? How is my family doing? Am I winning the game of life or am I losing? Has it become a ‘rat-race’ just trying to find success? Actually, what is success? Are you beginning to think, “Is this all there is to life?”
If you are in ‘mid-life’ or beyond, have you started thinking about what you want the rest of your life to look like? Are you happy with where you are at now and on a path that you feel good about? If so, good for you.
On the other hand, if you aren’t feeling all that good about staying in the status quo, would it be worthwhile for you to take a step back and begin thinking about the future? What do you hope your life looks like in 5, 10, or 20 years?
If this is striking a cord for you and you haven’t done so already, you may want to click here to receive your complimentary “10 Steps to Finding Purpose (Significance) and Joy”